
How to Get Strong Fast - 3 Exercises to Help You Build Strong Muscles Fast

Whether you're an athlete or just simply want to be in better shape, knowing how to get strong fast can make all the difference in your success.
It's funny because if you look around at most folks in the gym and a lot of what is talked about in the press, you probably won't find many of them working out in order to get stronger. They're usually doing it to lose weight or just to "look good", which doesn't really make much sense to me, since the stronger you are the fitter and healthier you are, and your ability to burn fat is greatly increased.
On this basis I'm going to show you the core 3 exercises that you should make the focus of your workouts...but first a word on what you really need to do to get strong fast.
Lift Heavy Weights
Lifting heavy weights for low reps (i.e. working to positive failure) is the key to getting really strong and muscular. If you watch the Strong Man competitions you'll notice that these are not posing bodybuilder types, but boy are they strong. And this strength comes from lifting heavy and keeping their exercises functional (lifting free weights, objects etc)...simple as that. So make sure you aim to increase your weights lifted each time you step in the gym.
How To Get Strong Fast: Exercise #1 - Squats
The king and foundation of all mass and strength building exercises, the squat is a great all-body exercise to get strong fast. Stand with a weighted barbell behind your shoulders and your weight a shoulder width apart. Slowly lower yourself into an imaginary sitting position with your thighs almost parallel to the floor - your knees should be over your ankles. From here slowly raise yourself back to the start position by pushing your heels into the floor. Be sure to keep your back as straight as possible throughout this exercise and avoid bending or curling your back as this can cause injury. Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
How To Get Strong Fast: Exercise #2 - Barbell Deadlifts
This is another great foundational strength exercise, but care should be taken to perform it with proper technique in order to get strong fast and avoid injury. With feet a little less than shoulder-width apart, squat down and grasp the bar with a shoulder-width or slightly wider overhand grip. Lift the bar by extending the knees and hips to full extension, pulling your shoulders back and pushing your chest out at the top of the exercise. Lower the bar and repeat. Make sure you keep your arms and back straight throughout the exercise, and keep the bar close to your body to improve leverage. Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
How To Get Strong Fast: Exercise #3 - Bench Press
Regarded by many as the king of upper body exercises this is sure to get you a great strong chest, arms, shoulders and back. Lie back flat on a weights bench. With your hands a little less than a shoulder-width apart lift the bar off the rack and slowly lower to your chest until it is a few inches off your chest. Then push the bar back up exhaling as you do so. Repeat. Be sure to keep control at all times and don't bounce the weight off your chest as this can stress your shoulders and cause injury. Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
If you're struggling to put together your own workout program to get strong fast, then check out this free 6-week hardgainer workout video that will show you exactly what to do starting today How To Get Strong Fast. Discover how to overcome your "skinny genes" and pack on pounds of strong lean muscle mass quickly with these detailed workouts and meal plans How To Gain Muscle Mass

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